I remember camping trips when I was younger. My whole family and extended family. Sometimes we would trek all the way to Montana to visit the amazing Krivonens then head on over to Yellowstone. Those days were the best. I remember sleeping in our tent. The boys and I in the back. My parents in the front. I loved helping set up the tent. I remember waking up to the smell of dew and wet sleeping bags and tarps. I love it. I miss it. I remember walking out on the wet grass in the mornings, to a shining sun, birds chirping all around me. Stuck out in the middle of the forest. Beauty and nature surrounding my family and I. Just nature and people that I love. I remember smelling eggs, bacon, and sausage my dad made over the fire in the mornings. I remember listening to the rain splatter on the tent at nights. I remember hiking, swimming across rivers if that's where the trails led us. I remember visiting geisers. I remember when we drove up a mountain and stopped to stretch, only to find the van had a flat tire. My dad ran the long, hot miles back to town for us. He brought help. He brought nice people that had grapes, apple juice, and a spare tire. I remember playing games. I remember driving through the mountains, listening to "Show Me Your Glory" and my dad saying, "Isn't that the perfect song to be playing, Kel?" and i nodded and smiled. I remember staying awake on road trips while my dad drove and everyone else fell asleep. I remember having fun as a family when I was little. I remember when I had no idea it would all disappear. I remember when I had no idea, life would eventually be tough, and my daddy wouldn't be here to protect me. I remember when i didn't know how much i needed him. I remember when I didn't realize growing up meant that things would change. I'm in that kind of mood.
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